Acts 21-22: Knowing God is always working should encourage our faithfulness.
The final chapters of Acts offer great insight into God’s unchanging work through His people. Paul’s time to Jerusalem, despite warnings and prophecies of hardships, is a testimony to faithfulness and the continued spread of the gospel. His story challenges us to trust that God is working, even when we don’t see it. God’s past faithfulness is evidence of His current and future presence and work in our lives. This should encourage us to remain steadfast in our calling and work.
Paul’s commitment, despite trials and persecution, reminds and challenges us to remain faithful in our own lives and experiences. His actions in Jerusalem, including participating in purification rites, shows us the importance of being sensitive and aware of others and the need for unity within the church. While we are free in Christ, being mindful of other cultures, beliefs, and practices helps avoid unnecessary barriers to the gospel.
In times of doubt and trouble, proclaiming God’s faithfulness in the past is a reminder to us and a testimony to others of who God is. Paul’s testimony to the Jews, despite their anger, reminds us that our witness is rooted in obedience to God’s call, not in others’ responses to the gospel. As have worked through the book of Acts, the theme of God’s constant work has been well demonstrated. It calls us to trust in His continued work, control, and should cause us to proclaim His goodness in all circumstances.
Let’s hold onto the truth that God is always working. May we be ambassadors of His love and grace in our communities, remaining faithful to the call and serving with joy.